Kære medlem i Københavns Fødevarefællesskab

Vil du gerne være med til at træffe vigtige beslutninger i dit Fødevarefællesskab så kom til årets generalforsamling. Generalforsamlingen afholdes søndag d. 24 april 2022 på Hotel- og Restaurantskolen 12:30 - 16:30. Vi glæder os til en hyggelig dag med beretning om årets aktivitet i foreningen, præsentation af sidste års regnskab, budget for 2022, nye forslag og hyggeligt samvær. Derudover har vi igen i år et indslag fra fra en af vores avlere. Vi afsløre hvem på dagen.

Har du et forslag til vedtægtsændring eller andre forslag, så skal du sende det til bestyrelsen på mailen bestyrelse@kbhff.dk senest d. 3 april.

Skal du være en del af bestyrelsen?

I år stopper Daniel Phil, Jonathan Russell og Martine Seedorff vi skal derfor have tre nye medlemmer i bestyrelsen. Derudover er der også ledige pladser til suppleanter.

Hvilke opgaver varetager bestyrelsen

Til hverdag er bestyrelsen Københavns Fødevarefællesskabs ”juridiske person”, der har overblik over og underskriver diverse aftaler og kontrakter, godkender betalinger m.v. Bestyrelsen er arbejdsgiv foreningens honorarbetalte konsulenter, som sikrer at de ansatte trives og at de løser deres opgaver. Derudover arbejder bestyrelsen på Københavns Fødevarefællesskabs fremtidige strategi.

Bestyrelsen har de sidste par måneder valgt at mødes, hver anden måned for at styrke deltagelsen til fællesmøderne foreningens vigtigste organ. Det vil være op til den nye bestyrelse om de vil fortsætte dette.

Overvejer du at stille op, eller vil du gerne vide mere om hvad bestyrelsen laver, så kan du læse mere her: http://kbhffwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Grupper-Bestyrelsen vi besvarer også gerne spørgsmål på mailen bestyrelse@kbhff.dk

Tilmeldning sker via. Følgende link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/1gFyR9cMUMCsFD1iftJApgEHUlJHrrXLHDnwq8pchUCQ/htmlview

Vi glæder os til at se jer

Med venlig hilsen

Københavns Fødevarefællesskab

Invitation to all KBHFF members to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Come along to the AGM, share your ideas, and take a direct part in making key strategic decisions for KBHFF for the coming year.

The Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday 24 April 2022 from 12:30 -4:30 p.m. at the Hotel- og Restaurantskolen.

We all look forward to a” hyggelig” occasion, during which you will hear status reports on our many activities over the last year, a presentation of the accounts for financial year 2021, a budget proposal for 2022, discuss new ideas and concrete proposals, and generally get to hang out with your fellow members from all across KBHFF. One of our growers will also make a presentation, and we will announce who this will be closer to the date.

The small print: If you wish to propose any amendment to the formal KBHFF Articles of Association (Vedtægterne), or have other ideas or projects to add to the agenda for discussion, you need to send a mail by latest 3 April 2022 to the KBHFF Board: bestyrelse@kbhff.dk

Have you considered standing for election to the Board?
Daniel Phil, Jonathan Russell, and Martine Seedorff will complete their 2-year terms as Board members, and 3 seats on the Board will thus be up for election. We also need to elect a small number of reserve board members (suppleanter), who will be given full access to Board material and discussions and be prepared to step up and replace any member who might have to leave the Board during the coming year.

What does the board actually do?
The Board of Københavns Fødevarefællesskab has the status of” a legal person or entity” and has the authority to supervise and enter binding agreements and contracts, to make payments in accordance with the financial budget and the decisions of the AGM, and to facilitate the smooth running of the organization on a day-to-day basis. The Board is also responsible for managing our fee- paid consultants, and for ensuring that they perform their allocated tasks in a safe and mutually satisfactory working environment. The Board is also responsible for developing a forward-looking strategy for KBHFF

The Board has recently decided to hold its regular meetings at intervals of 2 months, alternating with the bi-monthly meetings of the new KBHFF open meetings (Fællesmøder), so as to allow as many members as possible to attend these meetings and make them THE central forum for dynamic decision making and discussion for all members of KBHFF. The new Board will review and assess this innovation as experience is accumulated.

If you would like to stand for election, or if you need more specific information on the work of the Board, visit this link: http://kbhffwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Grupper-Bestyrelsen
You are also welcome to mail your comments and questions to bestyrelse@kbhff.dk

Kindly sign up on the linked list if you plan to attend the AGM- and especially if you are able to volunteer for any of the specific tasks needed to make the day a success:
: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/1gFyR9cMUMCsFD1iftJApgEHUlJHrrXLHDnwq8pchUCQ/htmlview

We very much look forward to seeing you all!

Best regards from the Board of Københavns Fødevarefælleskab