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Kom til årets første fællesmøde d. 25 januar kl. 17 på Hotel- og restaurantskolen (samme lokale som til avlermødet).

Fællesmøder i stedet for koordineringsmøder

På vores seneste koordineringsmøde blev det vedtaget, at det er på tide at foreningens organisationsstruktur ændres for at matche antallet af nuværende frivillige/medlemmer og bestilte grønsagsposer.

Arbejdsgrupper så som kommunikation og indkøb mangler frivillige og på fælleslageret og i lokal afdelingerne kniber det også med at få nok hænder. Efterhånden er det tydeligt, at der også her er brug for omlægninger af foreningens arbejdsgange. 

For bedre at kunne drive KBHFF, herunder ovennævnte omstrukturering, blev det derfor til det seneste koordineringsmøde besluttet at ændre koordineringsmøderne til fællesmøder og et par af arbejdsgrupperne.

Vi vil opløse et par arbejdsgrupper, så vi bedre kan løfte i flok

Der er selvfølgelig behov for, at der er en kerne af medlemmer der varetager f.eks. indkøbsgruppens ansvar for bestilling af varer. Hvordan det sikres er endnu ikke helt afklaret, men ved at nedlægge nogle af de fællesarbejdsgrupper er håbet, at vi til de fællesarbejdsgruppemøder kan blive bedre til at hjælpe hinanden der, hvor behovet er størst og gøre foreningens kommunikationsveje enklere.

Til fællesmøderne vil det stadig være vigtigt at hver afdeling/butiksgruppe fortsat er repræsenteret med et medlem. Hvilket idag er distributionsgruppen som med den nye organisationsstruktur bliver nedlagt.

Vi vil lave møderne mere workshop-orienteret

I stedet for at arbejdsgrupperne mødes to timer før koordineringsmødet, som det er under den nuværende struktur, begynder fællesmødet med at alle fremmødte drøfter dagens dagsorden i plenum.

Fællesmødet har i grove træk følgende struktur:
17:00 - 18:00 Fællesmøde - punkter på dagsordenen gennemgås, herunder eksempelvis 'nyt fra afdelingerne'. Der kan stilles opklarende spørgsmål, men den længere diskussion tages i mindre grupper eller der vedtages en fælles beslutning.

18:00 - 19:30 Arbejde i mindre grupper. Det kan eksempelvis være planlægning af et større arrangement, kommunikations kampagne, planlægning af svampeposen med mere.

19:30 - 20:00 Fællesspisning

20:00 - 21:00 Fremlæggelse af forslag og beslutningsprocesser.

I de mindre grupper, som nedsættes efter punkterne fra dagsordnen, bearbejdes dagens dagsordenen så der kan præsenteres konkrete løsningsforslag sidst på dagen.
Det kan også være at de løser en konkret opgave under mødet; f.eks. skriver invitationer til fællesarrangement, planlægning af et event eller oprydning i diverse vagtplaner.

Et andet nyt tiltag er, at vi med fællesmøderne ønsker at aktivere de 'menige medlemmer', så vi bliver flere om opgaverne. Vi inviterer til fællesspisning/workshop/fællesmøde under parolen 'vær med til at skabe dit eget fødevarefællesskab'. Derved håber vi, at det bliver attraktivt og nemt som menig medlem at være med til at løse foreningens opgaver på en social og hyggelig måde.

Her er linket til dagsordnen for det første fællesmøde https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lo-Npig-huFiBbsYcRd4A9gd_1CC2vH86F8IKTN0NP0/edit?usp=sharing

Coordination Meetings to be replaced by Open Meetings

It was decided by the latest Coordination Meeting that the time has come to update the KBHFF organisational structure to better reflect the current levels of volunteers and members and the number of bags ordered.
It has become increasingly apparent that a restructuring of our working routines is necessary due to a chronic shortage of active volunteers in most key functions including the working groups, especially the communication and purchasing groups. This situation is now so prevalent that some reorganisation of our working methods is urgently required. We are obliged to review and improve new routines if we are to stabilise and improve KBHFF operations. To this end, it was decided to discontinue the Coordination Meetings in their present form and replace them by Open Meetings through which all members can participate directly in the restructuring of the core operations and cross-cutting tasks that have previously been delegated to the various permanent working groups. We will, of course, keep up the pleasant tradition of communal dinners at our regular meetings, as the social dimension is one of the key drivers of KBHFF.

All members of KBHFF will be welcome to attend the new Open Meetings

-which we are confident will add a new dimension to our social mixing and encourage more members to take an active part in KBHFF’s essential organization-wide ongoing activities. It is therefore with great pleasure that we can now invite all members to the launch of the new Open Meeting/workshop/community dinner concept, which will take place on Tuesday 25 January 2022 from 5-9 p.m. Our working motto will be “Take an active part in building your own food cooperative.” We are confident that, by working together, we can make it attractive and easy for all our members to make a real personal contribution to KBHFF whilst enjoying the company of other KBHFF members.

The permanent working groups will be discontinued and the collective responsibility in future be shared by all members

We recognise that certain key functions, such as purchasing, require special insight and knowledge of the guiding principles, and we will need to find new ways of ensuring this is safeguarded. To avoid any disruption, the IT- and the Purchasing Groups will continue for a while and gradually devolve their responsibilities to the broader and open forum of interested volunteers. All other permanent working groups will be discontinued, and their responsibilities handed over to the open forum of KBHFF members, which will be supplemented by new volunteers over time. The Open Meetings will thus be able to respond in a flexible way to priority matters needing resolution or development, mobilizing volunteer time to maximum effect, and simplifying communication across KBHFF.

The Open Meetings will be more workshop style than the previous Coordination Meetings

The traditional model of holding separate working group meetings for the first 2 hours then debriefing in forum will be discontinued. In future, the whole meeting will be held in one Open Forum, starting by setting the agenda, then dealing with the agenda points in breakout groups, and, finally, debriefing and resolution in plenum discussion.

We suggest the structure of the new Open Meetings to be:

5-6 p.m: Open Meeting- agree and go through the points on the agenda, -for example “News from the outlets. Questions of clarification can be asked in plenum, but in-depth discussion of individual issues is to be done in smaller clusters, so that proposed resolutions can be submitted for approval in plenum towards the end of the session.

6.00-7:30 p.m. Thematic work in smaller breakout groups. Examples might include planning of a specific event; resolution of an acute problem; communication and PR campaigns; pack planning of the mushroom bags and similar, etc.

7:30-8:00 p.m. Communal dinner.

8:00-9:00 p.m. Debriefing from the breakout groups and decision in plenum on any relevant issues.

Breakout groups will form themselves to cover all the points on the agenda and discuss their chosen topic with the aim of debriefing in plenum and proposing solutions or priorities for approval or amendment by those present at the Open Meeting. Alternatively, the breakout groups can choose to complete concrete practical tasks, such as writing invitations to upcoming members meetings, planning of specific events, or revising volunteer sign-up schedules.
We sincerely hope that our members will back us up in our efforts to further strengthen the operations of KBHFF by working together in this more holistic and inclusive way, making our organisation even more dynamic and attractive to present and future members.

Fotografi: Priscilla Du Preez